Thursday, January 24, 2013

Introductions, Aren't They Fun?

Intros, intros. Oh they are a hard task to do, mostly due to the fear of messing up, saying something stupid or going off on a tangent. Which I seem to be doing right now, back to topic.

I am Ronald Laguinlin, but prefer to be called by the user handle, jintama or NytroNinja. No real names, I leave real names out the door and in the imaginary moat with just as imaginary sharkodiles (crocodiles + sharks = awesome moat fillers).

In this blog, I hope to fill whoever is reading this in on any mobile game I have excessive knowledge of, which will mostly be from the apple store due to the fact I am too cheap to go out and get some games on mobile consoles. There are more reasons than penny pinching involved but I wish not to go into those now. Maybe next blog post. If I want to. You can't make me. Tangent. Back to topic.

So in this blog I will be filling you in on mobile games that I have played before, give you a little summary of what to expect in the game. And, if I've played it long enough, some tips and tricks I've picked up while playing. Sometimes some spoilers will be put in, but just for you faint of heart I'll put them in white text. That way those that want to read it can just scan the page and see the text. This will also be how I hide some fun messages on the pages, so keep an eye out for them, try to be funny with them when I can.

That's about it for the introduction to this little blog of mine, so if you got any questions about it, leave them in the comments. I'll be sure to check them when I get a chance, and if I'm feeling really nice, I'll even respond to them. Bye for now.

:Oh! Almost forgot:

Battle Nations
This is a game I will cover a lot, just cause of how much I love it and how much there is to talk about in it.
And, if you face a formation like this:

If you face an enemy formation like this, and think you can take it with regular vehicle units like me.

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