Tuesday, January 29, 2013

OH NO RANDOM UNRELATED BLOG POST!: Leviathan first 50 page summary.

The world of Laviathan is set in an alternate reality, the time set in 1914. In this reality, scientific advancements have brought forth the ability to create artificial-hybrid creatures.  With this new discovery comes conflict amongst the people. Those that support the creation of artificial beast, the "Darwinist", and the people that disapprove of the creation of artificial beast and support mechanical advancements, the "Clankers".

The story takes a different approch than most, rather than mainly following a single, main character, the point of view alternates between two different characters on the two different sides of the upcoming war. at first we follow the prince of the Hungarian Empire, Aleksander. Through his fathers side, Alek would be in line to inherit the crown if his grandfather were to expire, but because of an "arguement" between the grandfather and his father, Alek was denied the right to the crown. This all happens some time before the story begins. We begin on the night when Alek's mother and father had gone away on business, leaving the young prince alone in the house with the servants. This is when Alek's pilot instructor, Klopp, and his fencing instructor Volger, come into his room, telling him to pack his things for a "night lesson". This turns out to be false however, as Alek soon discovers that they are in fact escaping the empire, under orders of Alek's father, whom we learn to have been assassinated the night prior, along with Alek's mother.

The story then jumps from the young, on the run prince to a young Deryn Sharp, a young lass readying for a test to join the British air-force. The catch to this is, however, is that women are normally not allowed to join the military and thus she must disguise herself as a boy in order to take the test and to stay in the Air Force. Once at the testing ground, her ruse holds strong and the tests go smoothly, that is until during a test flight, a storm hits blowing her and the artificial air-beast she rode up are blown away from the testing grounds and detach from the safety rope.

Does things work out for Deryn, or does she end up a splatter on the ground after the storm? And what of the Prince Alek, when we last left him, he was on the run from a giant robot spider-ship-thing, what of him? Gotta keep reading to find out.

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